Welcome to Free Trusted Email

free trusted email service

FreeTrustedEmail.com is the Free Email solution for those that want privacy, spam protection and ZERO Ads. Unlike many of the free email services such as Gmail and Yahoo, FreeTrustedEmail.com will never spam you, mark an important email as spam so you never receive it or worse yet, block it altogether.

FreeTrustedEmail.com Advantages


Still using Gmail, Yahoo or some other big company provider of free email? Well know this. Your email is not 100% private. If fact, if you use one of these free services with new “Anti-terror” laws all your email data is monitored, tracked and recorded.

All of your email at FreeTrustedEmail.com is 100% private, never shared with any company, government or 3rd party. Rest assured, that your email is yours and yours alone.

Ad Free / Spam Free:

When you go to read your email you want to be able to find what your are looking for without haveing to filter through spam from someone or some company. We never spam you at FreeTrustedEmail.com and you will never see ads anywhere in your email browser. Another advantge of FreeTrustedEmail.com

Free Tools:

FreeTrustedEmail.com uses web-based groupware Horde framework. We have all the tools needed for personal use or to run your business. Tools to organize your emails as well as manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, files and bookmarks with your other email users. Personalized signatures and more.

Access Everywhere:

FreeTrustedEmail.com can be accessed everywhere! You can install it right on your mobile device and get emails on the fly so there is no waiting until you get to a desktop or laptop to read your email. Get them all right on your phone 24hours a day.


First and foremost FreeTrustedEmail.com is private, free and spam free as well. You will have a suite of productivity tools that are word class with an Intuitive Interface. Plus FreeTrustedEmail.com is mobile friendly for on-the-go communications and extensive organizational functions for everyone that are simple to use. So, what are you waiting for?

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